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Writing a dissertation literature review section is quite a problematic process for the majority of students, because it is really difficult to find proper materials which will be useful for the research. Another problem is that many students who download free dissertation samples and use these materials for the research often miss the literature review part. As a result students steal thoughts of other people without citing them. Unfortunately, professors are extremely smart people and they will easily recognize the text of such a dissertation and punish you with low grades. As you see, you should treat seriously this moment, as every professor pays much attention to the quality and quantity of the sources in your literature review part. Today it is easier to prepare a good literature review for a dissertation due to the existence of the Internet and its advantages. Everybody is able to find enough materials for the research (books, textbooks, journals, articles, encyclopedia, dictionaries of all kinds). If literature review writing is a problem for you, use these professional dissertation literature review writing guidelines to raise the quality of your paper.
Before choosing the literary sources think carefully about the problem, the topic you are going to research. You should create an outline and divide the topic into smaller subtopics to organize the writing process. Moreover, you will definitely know what you are going to look for. Without such a structure you will waste much time and do much odd work reading everything concerning your topic without any concrete motives.
When you have limited the boundaries of your research, start looking for proper books and articles which will be helpful for you. Visit the local library and ask for all materials which are connected with the topic under research. Write down the names of books and periodicals and their authors and continuously step by step read and analyze these sources. You are welcome to serf the Internet and look for additional materials there. Besides it is possible that the missing book at the library will be easily found there. Download the books useful for you and do not forget to note the information about every book and journal to be able to write a literature review in future.
Remember that a good dissertation literature review chapter requires short information about the author of every source. In order to find it, visit author’s personal web site, or if it is not possible find his biography in the Internet. Get acquainted with his views, published works, preferences and style of writing and present these brief facts in the review.
It you have managed to find a useful source, you are free to insert this information into the dissertation but you must cite it. Citations are required in every great dissertation to demonstrate that you have worked out vast amounts of literature but do not exaggerate and do not build your research completely on citations. It is reasonable to pay more attention to the scientific articles which are sure to contain more useful information than text books. Writing the article the author presents many wise ideas in the short in volume paper. Sometimes such a brief presentation is more helpful than a great thick book which demands long days of reading. Writing a literature review remember to take notes about every book, article and their author and, finally, arrange your literary sources alphabetically or according to the requirements of the educational institution.